VMAN! Hero of the Preschool!

vman-wordpressEvery early education program needs to establish and use a system of Behavior Management that is based on the evidence known about child development and learning; dedicates its mission to good health, safety, and absolute nonviolence; is developed or at least agreed upon by both parents and teachers; and is a common sense approach to limiting harmful behaviors without damaging individual self-esteem.

So – Here Comes VMAN!  VMAN stands for Values, Modeling, Appropriateness, and Noticing.

Values are not rules and regulations, but the foundation of the behavior system. The basic values that MUST be present are good health and nonviolence. A program may add other values to the system depending on parent preference or program sponsorship, (faith-based tenets, ethnic cultural mores, or others) but no matter what additions may be made, good health and nonviolence are the essentials. The values of a system are not debatable. They must be clearly communicated to all members of the learning community, and are the basis on which rules, regulations, actions, and reactions are built.

Modeling means that the adults in the program must behave well so the children will imitate them, learn from them, and learn to want to behave well for the sake of the learning process and the community.

Appropriateness means that all of the adults using the system must understand and agree to have developmentally appropriate expectations for the behaviors of young children. They must be immersed in knowledge of child development so they know what types of behaviors to expect from children during each stage of development and they must understand and recognize which behaviors must be “managed” and the best ways to do so.

Noticing is the act of seeing and affirming appropriate, peaceful, safe (“good”) behaviors on a continuing basis much more than calling attention to and punishing inappropriate ones. THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO IGNORE HARMFUL BEHAVIORS. It means to make a concerted daily effort to notice and affirm by smile, gesture, or comment, the positive behaviors which enhance the environment of safety.


Next Blog: VMAN in a Nutshell


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