VMAN in a Nutshell


V – The Values I like are these:

  • Good Health and Absolute Nonviolence
  • Developmentally Appropriate Strength/Behavior Expectations and Teaching Practice
  • Creation and Maintenance of an Environment of Physical, Emotional, and Educational Safety
  • Firm Limits on Harmful Behaviors (with an aura of Patience, Forgiveness, and Opportunity for Learning from Mistakes
  • Acceptance, Warmth, and Respect for Each Child and Each Family
  • Noticing and Celebration of Personal Milestones and Peaceful Behaviors

(Parents must be made aware of the values of the system and of the reactions and actions teachers will take when negative behaviors occur. I suggest parents be completely familiarized with the behavior management system and sign their agreement to it so that there is a partnership between home and school and there are no ‘surprises’ when issues arise).

M – Modeling means if you want good kids, be a good person. Watch your mouth, and watch your attitude. Be active, be polite, be generous, be warm and accepting, be respectful, and always have a good sense of humor!

A – Appropriateness simply means knowing what to expect and not getting bent out of shape about behaviors whether you expected them or not. If a behavior absolutely appalls you, try to find its cause without immediately judging it harshly.

N – Noticing must be realistic and not overdone. No trophies for attendance, but at least try to find something positive to notice about each child each day. (Wow, Thomas. Look how nicely you are breathing today.)

Sounds easy, right? HAH! Ask any early learning educator if keeping 5 to 15 little humans alive for three to eight hours while they interact with each other and a multitude of weapon-grade Lincoln Logs is ‘easy’. The next two or three blogs may help.

Next Blog: Behavior Management – NO HITTING!

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