Community 1 – Teamwork

Emotional Safety is created by making your classroom a Community of Learners.

dancingkidsCommunity  is a sense of teamwork, kinship, or unity that refers to a cooperative spirit among a group of persons with something in common and in this sense it is a group of people with the common mission of optimal learning who work together cooperatively and positively to accomplish that mission. 

I use the term Community of Learners to refer to the teachers, parents, and children in an assigned class. It‘s up to the teachers to create a sense of community but up to the whole community to maintain it.

Community is important because there is a positive nature to being a respected working member of a team with a common goal and because young children learn more easily within a positive atmosphere.  Community is vital for building skills in all three areas of development – Body, Mind, and Spirit.  A sense of community simply makes the “work” of learning easier for all members involved.

Community, cooperation and peace provide a sense of warmth and comfort while giving each child a sense of individual ownership and group responsibility.  Although infants and babies do not engage in very much cooperative play, they need to be treated as if they are important individuals within the community of learners.  Community is built by encouraging children to learn about and respect their classmates, by offering group experiences and problem-solving projects, by modeling listening and discussion techniques without judgment or derision, and by maintaining firm limits on harmful behaviors.

Creating a community of learners is another way to achieve the mission of optimal learning.  It’s one of those” tricks of the trade” that make things enjoyable while working toward accomplishing that mission. 

Community is built by a total understanding and agreement with the definition of the mission itself. (I think we can all agree that the mission is optimal learning and natural development and growth for each child in the community). Community is built by clear, honest, and ongoing communication on both the methods that will be used to accomplish the mission and on the progress along the way to accomplishment (assessment, behaviors, milestones, and needs.

Next Blog: The Whole Team – Coach, Players, & Fans!



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