How’s Yer Learnin’?

When the farmers here in rural Missouri greet each other, they usually ask, “How’s yer crop”? So, I want to ask my readers the same thing.

Is the learning in your classroom all you want it to be? (Not the teaching, not the children’s behaviors, but the actual learning resulting from the process). The way I see it, there are four classes of learning: Unacceptable, Inadequate, Adequate, and AWESOME.

Unacceptable Learning is learning that results in inappropriate actions, emotions, or consequences, such as a child learning to hit because he is hit; learning to feel less competent because he is unable to gain skills or reach goals that are far above his level of ability; or a group of children learning to use misbehavior out of boredom or frustration.

Inadequate Learning is learning that does no meet or match a set of developmentally appropriate goals and learning that is of little or no use to the learner now or in the future.

Adequate Learning is learning that meets developmentally appropriate goals and is useful to the learner on a temporary basis (for a test, a performance, or a formal assessment).

Awesome Learning is learning that meets developmentally appropriate goals, is useful to the learner now and is useful to the learner as a foundation for further learning.

How do we engender Awesome Learning?

We create and maintain an environment of Safety. The children must be safe and free from any harm. They must be physically comfortable. They must feel safe emotionally – know they are respected, able to make mistakes in behavior or skills without fear of any repercussions (verbal comments or frowny-faces). They must feel warmth and humor from their teachers. And they must be safe educationally, being offered learning experiences and meeting goals that match their developmental levels.

We base our curriculum and learning experiences on child-interest and relevancy.

We give children ownership of their play and their behaviors.

We assess the learning they achieve by using their strengths to meet their needs.


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